Aviation, ground vehicles, and naval forces fight together in one game and even in one battle, just as the real-life battles were fought. key mapping is similar to memu, so the guide of memu will help you. Quick way to get around this: set your controls how you like them, then save your setup.

Ya just go to menu>controls>press triangle for control setup wizard>then change custom controls to default or simulator. I think the default mapping button is the Delete key, but what I do is map a button on my joystick to recenter in VR, here is how, in the War Thunder menu go to Common->View Controls->Tracker Controls->Reset Tracking Position and map your joystick button to it: Last edited: Jun 27, 2019. For Axis Fixed Network Cameras like AXIS M1054 check the video Factory default settings - Axis fixed network camera. Btw, when you customize controls, don't choose replace, choose add. If you have this problem, then this should help you out. These are just short simple explanations. This is similar to starting Windows in Safe Mode, but provides you more control over which services and programs run at startup to help you isolate the cause of a problem. An absolute life-saver when driving at high-speed and suddenly encountering an enemy: continuing with the full-speed drive will make aiming too difficult, while braking will leave you unable to This is my control layout for War Thunder on Xbox one. You can also put your mouse over the setting (the scroll bar or checkbox) as some of them have a tooltip. Once there, navigate to the settings tab by pressing on it.

I thought it would be good to make a thread explaining these controls and how to set them up, the advantages it gives, and when to use them. 1 or TLS War Thunder- Sight Distance Control Setup - YouTub.